Thousands of Australian Hazaras Protested Against the Kochi Attacks in Hazarajat

4 06 2010

On Sunday, the 30th of May 2010, the National Australian Hazara Council organised a protest in which thousands of Australian Hazaras took to the streets in almost all the major cities to raise their concern about the invasion of a number of Hazara villages in Hazarajat by a nomadic people called the “Kochies” and also to ask the UN and the International Community not to stay silent while innocent people of Hazarajat are suffering from many problems caused by the Kochi invasion.

Kochies are armed with heavy weaponry. It is worth noting that due to their fascist ideas, Taliban are very supportive of the them.

Since the start of this conflict around 10-15 people have been killed and missing, over 50 people injured, thousands of homes burnt, and tens and thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. This is a problem that the people of Hazarajat face on a yearly basis.

Tens and thousands of people are now forced to live in camps in other cities with almost no support. It is very disappointing to see that there is no reaction from the UN and the International Community on this issue. We hope that they break their silence and urge Mr. Karzai’s government to put forward a permanent solution for this problem and to end the suffering of thousands of innocent people.

The slide show below contains some photographs from Sydney: